Managing COVID-19

Our team works hard each day to minimise the risks associated with the spread of COVID-19 to keep our children, families and staff safe as best we can.

Guided by the advice of Victorian Department of Education and the Federal Department of Education, Skills & Employment we have implemented the following practices in addition to increased cleaning and sanitation of high-touch contact areas:

  • Check in and Hand Sanitation stations on entry to our service
  • Increased focus on outdoor program & play 
  • Installation of Air Purifiers in every child’s room and our teacher’s lounge
  • Using the external air flow feature on heating & cooling technology in the children’s rooms and throughout our centre
  • Keeping windows open in children’s rooms to encourage fresh air flow at all times
  • External Parent Drop off during times where cases are high in our community

If you have any questions about our COVID-safe practices, please email our centre manager –

For current advice about Early Childhood & Care Operations at this time, please visit